“Rising From The Ashes”


Rebuilding In Progress

Forest Fire Aftermath

Summerhaven Community

Tucson, Arizona

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge:

“Houses and\or Barns”

Published Tuesday, October 25, 2016


  1. Cee Neuner says:

    I’m not sure if I would rebuild that soon. Terrific photo.


    1. Galen911 says:

      The interesting part is that I shot that picture 3 years after the fire that destroyed the community. People were anxious to rebuild but this is an isolated village deep in the mountains at 9,000 feet elevation. They had to rebuild all the utility services plus develop a new water system. The roads had to be rebuilt and of course the land had to be cleared. Plus before anyone rebuilt they had to develop a master plan with the county and establish building codes and fire suppression procedures. To the people who live there… it seems to have been a very long time.

      Thanks Cee for your kind words…



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